Thursday 31 March 2011


'ಕುಕ್ಕೆ'  ಮತ್ತು 'ಮಂಜ'

     ತುಳು ಭಾಷೆಯಲ್ಲಿ 'ಕುಕ್ಕೆ' ಎಂದರೆ ಕರಿನಾಗರ  ಅಥವಾ ಕಾಳಿಂಗ ಸರ್ಪ ಎಂದು ಅರ್ಥ.  ನಾಗಾರಾಧನೆಗೆ  ಪ್ರಸಿದ್ದವಾಗಿರುವ ತುಳುನಾಡಿನಲ್ಲಿ ಸುಬ್ರಹ್ಮಣ್ಯನ ಮೂಲಕ (ಹಾವನ್ನು ನಿಯಂತ್ರಣದಲ್ಲಿ ಇಟ್ಟುಕೊಳ್ಳುವ ಮತ್ತು ಹಾವನ್ನು ವಾಹನವಾಗಿ ಉಳ್ಳ ಸುಬ್ರಹ್ಮಣ್ಯ ) ಸರ್ಪವನ್ನು ಆರಾಧಿಸುವ ಕ್ರಮ ಇದೆ.  ನಿಯಂತ್ರಣಕ್ಕೆ ಒಳಪಡದ ಕ್ರೂರ ಮೃಗಗಳನ್ನು  ಮತ್ತು ಉರಗಗಳನ್ನು ಆರಾಧನೆಯ ಮೂಲಕ ಒಲಿಸಿಕೊಳ್ಳುವ ಈ ಪರಂಪರೆ ವಿಶಿಷ್ಟವಾದದ್ದು.  ಹಂದಿಯನ್ನು 'ಪಂಜುರ್ಲಿ'  ದೈವದ ಮೂಲಕವೂ ಹುಲಿಯನ್ನು 'ಪಿಲಿಚಾಮುಂಡಿ' ಭೂತದ ಮೂಲಕವೂ ಆರಾಧಿಸುವ  ಕ್ರಮ ತುಳುನಾಡಿನಲ್ಲಿದೆ. 

     ಹಿಂದಿನ ಜನರು ಭಯ ಮತ್ತು ಗೌರವಭಾವದಿಂದ ಕ್ರೂರ ಮೃಗಗಳ ಹೆಸರೆತ್ತಿ ಕರೆಯಲಿಲ್ಲ.  ಹುಲಿಯನ್ನು 'ನರಿ' ಎಂದೂ ಹಾವನ್ನು 'ಒಳ್ಳೆಯವನು' (ಎಡ್ಡೆಂತಿನಾಯೆ) ಎಂದೂ ತುಳುನಾಡಿನಲ್ಲಿ ಕರೆದರು.  ದಕ್ಷಿಣ ಕನ್ನಡ ಜಿಲ್ಲೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ನರಿಕೊಂಬು,  ನರಿಮೊಗರು, ನರಿಂಗಾನ ಮೊದಲಾದ ಊರುಗಳಿವೆ.  ಹುಲಿ ಹೆಚ್ಚಾಗಿರುವ ಪ್ರದೇಶ ಎಂದು ಅದರರ್ಥ. ಹಾಗೆಯೇ, ಚಿರತೆಯನ್ನು ಜನಪದರು 'ಪುಚ್ಚೆ' ಎಂದು ಕರೆದರು. ಪುಚ್ಚಮೊಗರು, ಪುಚ್ಚಪ್ಪಾಡಿ ಎಂದರೆ ಚಿರತೆಗಳು ಹೆಚ್ಚಾಗಿದ್ದ ಪ್ರದೇಶವಾಗಿತ್ತು.

     ಕುಕ್ಕೆಸುಬ್ರಹ್ಮಣ್ಯ ಮತ್ತು ಪೆರ್ಲದ ಬಳಿ ಕಾಟುಕುಕ್ಕೆ  ಎಂಬಲ್ಲಿ ಎರಡು ಪ್ರಸಿದ್ದ ಸುಬ್ರಹ್ಮಣ್ಯ ದೇವಸ್ಥಾನಗಳಿವೆ.  ಸುಬ್ರಹ್ಮಣ್ಯನ ಮೂಲಕ ಕರಿನಾಗರಕ್ಕೆ ಪೂಜೆ ಸಲ್ಲುವದು ಈ ದೇವಾಲಯಗಳ  ವಿಶೇಷತೆ.  ಈ ಪ್ರದೇಶದಲ್ಲಿ ಹಿಂದೆ ಕಾಳಿಂಗ ಸರ್ಪಗಳು ತುಂಬಾ ಇದ್ದಿರಬೇಕು.

     ಕರಿನಾಗರದಂತೆ ಸರ್ಪಗಳಲ್ಲಿರುವ ಇನ್ನೊಂದು ಮುಖ್ಯ ಪ್ರಭೇದ  ಹಳದಿನಾಗರ ಅಥವಾ ಗೋಧಿನಾಗರ.  ತುಳುವಿನಲ್ಲಿ ಇದಕ್ಕೆ ಮಂಜ ಎನ್ನುತ್ತಾರೆ.  ಹಳದಿ ಬಣ್ಣ ಎಂಬ ಅರ್ಥ ಕೊಡುವ ಮಂಜಲ್ ಶಬ್ದ ಹ್ರಸ್ವವಾಗಿ ಮಂಜ ಆಗಿರಬೇಕು.  ತುಳುವಿನಲ್ಲಿ ಗೋಧಿನಾಗರಕ್ಕೆ ಮಂಜೆ ಎಂದೂ ಹೇಳುತ್ತಾರೆ.   ಮಂಗಳೂರು ಬಳಿ ಮಂಜನಾಡಿ ಎಂಬ ಊರು ಇದೆ. (ಮಂಜನ + ಹಾಡಿ =  ಮಂಜನಾಡಿ ಆಗಿದೆ. ) ಹಳದಿಸರ್ಪಗಳು ಹೆಚ್ಚಾಗಿರುವ ಕಾಡು ಎಂದರ್ಥ. ಕಾರ್ಕಳದ ಬಳಿ ಮಂಜರಪಲ್ಕೆ ಎಂಬ ಊರು ಇದೆ. ತುಂಬ ಹಳದಿನಾಗರ ಇರುವ ಜಾಗ ಎಂದು ಇದರ ಅರ್ಥ.  ಅದೇ ರೀತಿ ಕುಡುಪು ಎಂಬಲ್ಲಿ ಇನ್ನೊಂದು ಪ್ರಸಿದ್ದ ಸುಬ್ರಹ್ಮಣ್ಯ (ನಾಗ) ದೇವಸ್ಥಾನ ಇದೆ.  ಕುಡುಪು ಎಂದರೆ ಸರ್ಪಗಳು ವಾಸವಾಗಿರುವ ಹುತ್ತ ಎಂದು ಅರ್ಥ. 

      ಬೆಳ್ತಂಗಡಿ ಸಮೀಪ  ಬಳ್ಳಮಂಜ   ಎಂಬ ಊರು ಇದೆ.    ಹಿಂದಿನ ಕಾಲದಲ್ಲಿ ಆ  ಊರಿನ ಯಾವದೋ ಒಂದು ಮನೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ಬಳ್ಳದಲ್ಲಿ  (ಸೇರಿಗೆ ಸಮಾನವಾದ ಒಂದು ಅಳತೆಯ ಸಾಧನ .  ಅಗಲವಾದ ಬಾಯಿ ಇದ್ದು ಮರದಿಂದ ತಯಾರಿಸಿರುತ್ತಾರೆ).  ಮಂಜ (ಗೋಧಿನಾಗರ) ಸೇರಿಕೊಂಡು ಬಹಳ ದಿನ ಹೊರ ಹೋಗದೆ ಮನೆಯವರಿಗೆ ಹೆದರಿಕೆ ಹುಟ್ಟಿಸಿರಬೇಕು.  ಮುಂದೆ ಆ ಊರಿಗೆ ಬಳ್ಳಮಂಜ ಎಂದೇ ಹೆಸರಾಯಿತು.  ತುಳುಬ್ರಾಹ್ಮಣರಲ್ಲಿ 'ಮಂಜತ್ತಾಯೆ'  ಎಂಬ  ಉಪನಾಮ ಇರುವ ಕುಲದವರಿದ್ದಾರೆ.  ಬಹುಶ: ಇವರು ಸುಬ್ರಹ್ಮಣ್ಯ ದೇವಸ್ಥಾನದಲ್ಲಿ ಪೂಜೆ ಮಾಡುತ್ತಿದ್ದವರಾಗಿರಬೇಕು.

Monday 28 March 2011


Yesterday I had been to Mysore for a private programme with journalist friend Venuvinod. After finishing the work, we were walking through the Krishnaraja Circle and vicinity of the Palace. Jatka (horse-cart) owners were very eager to carry us the near-by area. Though the jatkas were the main mode of transport of yester-years of Maharaja’s Mysore, nowadays they are dwindling very fast. Some of them are kept for hire near the Palace and they are the attraction for the foreign tourists. While capturing the stills of the specialties of the streets, Vinod shot a few of mine also. Since I was at Mysore  for five years, my old memoirs crept-in and drenched me for a few minutes. Keeping the palace at the back-ground he took a still of mine and cherished the memory...  


Saturday 26 March 2011

                       ಬಹುಮಾನ, ಪುರಸ್ಕಾರ ಮತ್ತು ಪ್ರಶಸ್ತಿ

ಬಹುಮಾನ, ಪುರಸ್ಕಾರ ಮತ್ತು ಪ್ರಶಸ್ತಿ ಎಂಬ ಈ ಪದಗಳಿಗೆ ನಿಖರವಾದ ಬೇರೆ ಬೇರೆ ಅರ್ಥಗಳಿವೆ. ಅವುಗಳನ್ನು ಅದದೇ ಅರ್ಥದಲ್ಲಿ ಬಳಸಬೇಕು. ಇಂದು ಈ ಶಬ್ದಗಳನ್ನು ಒಟ್ಟಾರೆಯಾಗಿ ಬಳಸುತ್ತಿರುವುದು ಕಾಣುತ್ತಿದ್ದೇವೆ.

ಬಹುಮಾನದ ಹಿಂದೆ ಒಂದು ಸ್ಪರ್ಧೆ ಇರುತ್ತದೆ. 'ಸ್ಪರ್ಧೆ'ಯ ಬಳಿಕ 'ಬಹುಮಾನ' ನೀಡಲಾಗುತ್ತದೆ. ಪುರಸ್ಕಾರವನ್ನು ಪ್ರತಿಭೆ ಇರುವ  ವ್ಯಕ್ತಿಯೊಬ್ಬನನ್ನು ಪ್ರೋತ್ಸಾಹಿಸಲು, ಗುರುತಿಸಲು ನೀಡಲಾಗುತ್ತದೆ. ಇದರ ಹಿಂದೆ 'ಸ್ಪರ್ಧೆ' ಇರಲೇಬೇಕೆಂದಿಲ್ಲ. ನಗದು ಪುರಸ್ಕಾರ ಕೊಟ್ಟು  ಗೌರವಿಸುವ ಸಂಪ್ರದಾಯವಿದೆ. ಪದಕ ವಿಜೇತರನ್ನು ಅಥವಾ ಯಾವುದೋ ವಿಶಿಷ್ಟ ಕೆಲಸ ಮಾಡಿದವರನ್ನು ಪ್ರೋತ್ಸಾಹಿಸುವ ಸಲುವಾಗಿ 'ಪುರಸ್ಕಾರ' ನೀಡಲಾಗುತ್ತದೆ.

'ಪ್ರಶಸ್ತಿ' ಎಂದರೆ ಸಂಘ ಸಂಸ್ಥೆ, ಸರಕಾರ ಅಥವಾ ಸಮಾಜ ವ್ಯಕ್ತಿಯೊಬ್ಬನ ಸಾಧನೆಯನ್ನು ಗಮನಿಸಿ ಪ್ರಶಸ್ತಿಯೊಂದನ್ನಿತ್ತು ಸನ್ಮಾನಿಸುವುದು ಆಗಿದೆ. ಆಯಾ ಕ್ಷೇತ್ರದಲ್ಲಿ ವಿಶಿಷ್ಟ ಸಾಧನೆ ಮಾಡಿದ, ವಯಸ್ಸು ಮಾಗಿದ ವ್ಯಕ್ತಿಗಳನ್ನು ಪ್ರಶಸ್ತಿಯನ್ನಿತ್ತು ಸನ್ಮಾನಿಸಲಾಗುತ್ತದೆ. ಆ ಪ್ರಶಸ್ತಿಯನ್ನು ಧರಿಸುವ ಯೋಗ್ಯತೆ ಆ ವ್ಯಕ್ತಿಗೆ ಬಂದಾಗಷ್ಡೇ ಪ್ರಶಸ್ತಿಯನ್ನು ನೀಡಬೇಕು. ಸ್ಪರ್ಧೆಯೊಂದನ್ನು ಏರ್ಪಡಿಸಿ ಪ್ರಶಸ್ತಿ ನೀಡಲಾಗುವುದಿಲ್ಲ. ಅಂದರೆ, ಸ್ಪರ್ಧೆ ಏರ್ಪಡಿಸಿ 'ಪ್ರಶಸ್ತಿ' ನೀಡುವುದಲ್ಲ. ಹದಿನೆಂಟು ವರ್ಷದ ತರುಣನೊಬ್ಬನಿಗೆ ಪ್ರಶಸ್ತಿ ನೀಡಲಾಯಿತು ಎಂದು ಬರೆದರೆ ಅದು ಸರಿಯಲ್ಲ. ಬದಲಾಗಿ ಬಹುಮಾನ ಅಥವಾ ಪುರಸ್ಕಾರ ಎಂದಾಗಬೇಕು. ಹಾಗೆಂದು ಅರವತ್ತು ವರ್ಷ ಆದವರಿಗೆ ಬಹುಮಾನ ಅಥವಾ ಪುರಸ್ಕಾರ ಕೊಡುವುದಲ್ಲ. ಅವರಿಗೆ ಸನ್ಮಾನ.

ಈ ಶಬ್ದಗಳ ಸರಿಯಾದ ಅರ್ಥವನ್ನು ಗ್ರಹಿಸಿ ಉಪಯೋಗಿಸುವುದು ಒಳ್ಳೆಯದು. 

Friday 25 March 2011

        IT IS JAINKAASHI....

National Federation of Akashvani and Doordarshan Employees Mangalore chapter had arranged a National level congregation two  months ago in a very grand way at Mangalore.  In commemoration of the same a souvenir  titled "Banuliya Belaku" was published under my Chief Editorship. It contains rare and important articles on Electronic Media in five languages, viz. Kannada, Tulu, Konkani, Hindi and English.

In a specially arranged programme this souvenir was presented to Dr. M.Mohan Alva, President of Alva's Educational Foundation and Organiser of literary and cultural events at Moodabidri. The programme was conducted at the Journalism Department of Alva's college.

Dr.Chethankumar Naik, Station Director of  AIR Bangalore and Dr.Vijaya Haran, Station Director of AIR Mysore were present in this occasion. AIR Officers from all over Karnataka were  present during the programme, who came for a meeting at Mangalore.

From left to right: Dr. Vasanthkumar Perla, Dr. Vijaya Haran, Dr. M.Mohan Alva (sitting) and Dr. Chethankumar Naik

During the entourage we visited Saavira kambada Basadi (thousand pillared Jain mantap) and The Jain temple also.  Moodabidri is called as Jain Kashi and a famous pilgrimage centre for Jains. It is a tourist spot also. The basadi was built by the Chowta Kings  during 1430 A.D..  Constructed by locally available hard stone with hoysala style, it took eight years to complete the work. The colour tiles which were imported from Italy during 16th century are very beautiful and attractive. It is surprising that the flooring is still intact and even the colour is not faded-out... The sanctum-sanctorum is constructed with Nepali architectural style and the Thirthankara  idol which is golden in colour, is very handsome and attractive.

I am standing in front of the "Saavira kambada Basadi" at Moodabidri, which is declared as a monument and maintained by The Archeological  Dept. of India.

Wednesday 16 March 2011


From left to right: Smt.K.Shailakumari, Dr.Vasanthkumar Perla, Sri Girish, Smt. Shwetha Girish, Dr. Naveen Kulamarva, Dr.K.Krishna Naik, and Smt. Sumangala Krishna Naik.

Recently I had visited Panambur Beach with my family and friends. The sun set was a wonderful scene. This beach is situated in the vicinity of Mangalore, a port city in the west coast of India. The picturesque western-ghat with Kudremukh range in one side of the national high-way and the Arabian sea in the other side are really enthralling. International kite festival is being held in the month of May every year in this beach.

From left to right: K. Yashas, Aagama Perla, K.Yathika, Ayana Perla, Artha Perla, Prabala Vadyakody and Aneeshakrishna.

Tuesday 15 March 2011


Yesterday night a 'Brahmakamala' bloomed at my 'Bhoomigeetha' garden. The fragrance spread all-around and even attracted the moths. My daughter, Ayana Perla captured it in a snap at the moment when a moth came very eagerly towards the flower during mid-night.

'Brahmakamala' blooms once in a year during mid-night and will remain only that night. But the aroma spreads all-around and no one can resist smelling it.

Monday 14 March 2011

ಬಸ್ ಚಾರ್ಜ್ ಯಾಕೆ? "ಹಾಸಲು" ಸಾಲದೆ?

ನಾವು ದೈನಂದಿನ ಮಾತಿನಲ್ಲಿ "ಬಸ್ ಚಾರ್ಜ್" ಎಂಬ ಶಬ್ದವನ್ನು ಹಲವಾರು ಬಾರಿ ಬಳಸುತ್ತೇವೆ. ಇದಕ್ಕೆ ಕನ್ನಡ ಶಬ್ದ ಇಲ್ಲವೇ? 

ಇದೆ;ಆದರೆ ನಾವು ಬಳಸುವುದಿಲ್ಲ, ಅಷ್ಟೆ!.  "ಬಸ್ ಚಾರ್ಜ್" ಎಂಬುದಕ್ಕೆ ಶುದ್ಧ ದೇಸೀ ಪದ "ಹಾಸಲು" ಎಂಬುದು. ಸಹಕಾರೀ ಸಂಘಗಳ ಲೆಕ್ಕ ಪತ್ರಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಇಂದಿಗೂ ಹಾಸಲು ವೆಚ್ಚವನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸುವ ಒಂದು ಅಂಕಣವೇ ಇದೆ. 

ಹಾಸು ಎಂಬ ಶಬ್ದವನ್ನು ಅಲ್ಲಲ್ಲಿ ಬಳಸುತ್ತೇವೆ. "ಹಾಸು" ಹೊಕ್ಕಾಗಿದೆ; "ಹಾಸು" ಬಂಡೆ; ಹುಲ್ಲು "ಹಾಸು"; ಹೂ "ಹಾಸು" ಮುಂತಾದ ಕಡೆಗಳಲ್ಲಿ "ಹಾಸು" ಎಂಬ ಶಬ್ದವಿದೆ. "ಹಾಸು" ಎಂದರೆ ನಡಿಗೆಯ ಹಾದಿ ಎಂದರ್ಥ. ಹಾಸಲು ಎಂಬ ಕೃದಂತ ರೂಪವು ಹಾದಿಯ ವೆಚ್ಚ ಎಂಬರ್ಥದಲ್ಲಿ ಹಿಂದೆ ಬಳಕೆಯಾಗುತ್ತಿತ್ತು. ಅಪರೂಪಕ್ಕೊಮ್ಮೆ 'ಹಾಸಲು ವೆಚ್ಚ' ಎಂಬ ಪ್ರಯೋಗ ಹಳ್ಳಿಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಇಂದಿಗೂ ಕಾಣದೊರೆಯುತ್ತದೆ. 

ನಾವು ಕೂಡ, ಬಸ್ ಚಾರ್ಜ್ ಎಂಬುದಕ್ಕೆ 'ಹಾಸಲು' ಎಂಬ ಈ ಅಚ್ಚಗನ್ನಡ ಶಬ್ದವನ್ನು ಮತ್ತೆ ಯಾಕೆ ಬಳಕೆಗೆ ತರಬಾರದು?

Sunday 13 March 2011

"No regrets, no regrets, no regrets....!"

....This is the first line of the poem written by Sri Kulamarva Balakrishna (born 4.11.1934), an international fame journalist, who is presently settled in Austria, was at Padubidri near Udupi today (13.3.2011) along with his family members, to meet his relatives and close friends in a specially arranged luncheon party. He has developed a farm near Padubidri which is called as ‘Taravaadu’ (the base or original house). His sister is staying there to look-after the farm house.

Though he is aged and ailing, he has visited his home-town enthusiastically and with great reverence to the mother-land.

Sri Kulamarva has started his journalistic career in ‘Thayinaadu’ in early ‘50s and then shifted to ‘Samyuktha Karnataka’. Later he went to Mumbai where he has worked for ‘Free Press Journal’, ‘Times weekly Journal’ and ‘Blitz’ weekly etc.  Then he started his own weekly titled “Hi” which was highlighting the underworld activities of Mumbai. He rose in to prominence for his investigative write-ups. “Hi” was concentrating on investigative reports in general and the under-ground activities of Mumbai in particular. In 1975 when the emergency was declared he was in trouble. Police started harassing him for his writings. Though he was very close to late Smt. Indira Gandhi, he never showed any consideration in his writings. By this time he had lost his job and went to Austria with the help of an Austrian friend.

He is a Sanskrit scholar, secured “Sahithya shiromani” degree from Mahajana Sanskrit College, Nirchal, Kasaragod. (My grand father Vyakarana Mahopadhyaya Aramanadka Shankara Shastry was Principal in this Institution from 1918 to 1935 till his premature death, when he was just 46 years of age. Shri Shastry was a great Sanskrit scholar and renowned poet in Sanskrit. Later a Memorial Hall was constructed there in his name).  In the beginning Shri Kulamarva has worked as a Sanskrit teacher for one year at Mundaje, near Dharmasthala (Karnataka). Later he entered in to journalism field because of his writing aptitude. He has translated Sanskrit works such as Jayadeva's “Geethagovinda” and Kalidasa's “Kumarasambhava” etc. in to Kannada which brought him name and fame. In early '50s he had edited a collection of short stories in Kannada titled “Mandaara maale”.
Kulamarva Balakrishna with my daughters Artha, Ayana, wife Shaila and son Agama.

Sri Kulamarva is a true Gandhian and a multi-faceted person. In a hour-long interview, he said, “…in the real sense I am a universal person. There is no boundary for me. Though I am residing in Austria, far from India and from our language and culture, I am not feeling that I am an alien person there. There are no regrets for the past.”

Incidentally, I have to note here that he is my wife’s cousin-brother and several writers, poets, journalists, Doctors, Lawyers and state award winning agriculturists and progressive farmers are there in his family group. (He married an Austrian lady and having a son who is studying Law in Austria). His thoughts and writings are available in my web page

Saturday 12 March 2011


International women's day celebration was held at All India Radio, Karwar on 8.3.2011, in co-ordination with Karnataka State Pollution Control Board by involving several women self-help groups. The theme was "women and environment". 

"Cleanliness is directly linked with environment protection and it should start at home itself " said Prof. and environmentalist Sri V.N.Naik, who participated as a chief guest. Sri Gopalakrishna Sanathangi, Environment Officer inaugurated and was presided-over by me. While addressing the gathering I told that "our predecessors lived very close to the Nature and they knew how to protect  the environment. But in modern life we have gone far from the Nature and hence de-linked from the same. This is the root-cause of the problem." 

While continuing I said,"women can be self-esteemed and self-reliant through education. If she is educated, the entire family is educated. Instead of superior or inferior complex, an all-round development of the family is important. Women liberation doesn't mean  fight against men. The motto behind is more understanding and harmony not only in family but society as well" I said, "so that bondage of the family is increased".
Sri G.N.Shetti, Assistant Engineer was at the dias. Sri M.Renukaprakash, Programme Executive welcomed the gathering. Prayer was sung by Smt.Vanajakshi and Kum.Bharathi.  Sri Jampanna Ashihal gave vote of thanks. 

Thursday 10 March 2011

During the tour I have visited Mahabalipuram of Pallava dynasty. Here 'pancha-ratha' or five chariots which are carved from single rocks are the main attraction. Different single rocks are carved intrinsically and created the entire environment as a temple annexture.
A casual walk on the world famous Marina  beach in Chennai is an enthralling experience.  The vast expanse of the Bengal Sea in the East and eye-catching greenary, human constructions, long and lengthy roads in the West are some of the attractions.  Govt. of Tamilnadu has erected several statues of Tamil scholars who  contributed for Tamil language and culture all throughout the roadside of the beach.  Kannige, who wrote Tamil poetry around 2000 years back is one such beautiful statue.  All India Radio, Chennai is situated very close to Marina beach.  Myself and K. Ashok, Transmission Executive of AIR, Mangalore had a rare opportunity to spend five pleasant evenings on the shores of  Marina beach during February 2011.

Sunday 6 March 2011


Last week I had been to Chennai to attend a music appreciation course for five days which was co-ordinated by prof.T.V. Gopalakrishna, a famous mridangam artist and vocalist. In the workshop lyricists wrote lyrics on the spot and the music composers set the same into tune and light music singers presented  the song.   My lyric was set into tune and sung by Sri Shashikanth Kulkarni, a famous light music artist of  All India Radio, Dharwad. The song can be heard from AIR Chennai, Karwar, Dharwad and Mangalore occasionally.The lyric was very much appreciated by the music maestro.